The Project

This research is vital since the phenomenon “Misogynoir” is still relatively understudied, even though it has a significant influence on the lives and experiences of Black women in society and online. According to an Amnesty International survey, 41 per cent of women who had encountered online bullying or violence said that, on at least one occasion, these online encounters made them believe that their physical protection was compromised. Moreover, as most online social networking platforms ban hate speech, the sheer scale of their networks and web applications makes it very difficult to monitor all their content. Although these platforms have created automated techniques for detecting hate speech, research has shown that these approaches do not perform as effectively for specific marginalised groups such as Black women or types of hate speech that are intersectional, such as Islamophobia and Antisemitism. Therefore, exploring ways to help platforms reduce the amount of hate Black women receive is crucial.

This study aims to explore how misogynoir manifests online and how it could be mitigated. Your responses will be confidential, and we do not collect identifying information such as your name, email address or IP address. All data is stored in an encrypted and password-protected electronic format. To help protect your confidentiality, we ask that you do not disclose any information that will personally identify you. The findings of this study will be utilised solely for scholarly purposes. If you have encountered misogynoir, even if it is simply ordinary, tiny, so used to that you have accepted it, please share your story to demonstrate how widespread the problem is. Find the information sheet for the study here!


White centring is when white people make it about themselves, so they do not have to be uncomfortable or hold themselves accountable for their actions of harming, hurting, or ignoring Black people or their feelings or actions towards them.

Racial Gaslighting – Denying that racism exists or arguing that Black people “always make it about race”.

Tone policing – is a tactic that is used to dismiss an idea being communicated because the person expressing it appears to be angry, sad, frustrated, or in an emotionally charged state.

Defensiveness – typically appears directly in the form of justification of one’s own or another person’s behaviours, rejecting any accusations of racism without reflection.

General – language that more generally refers to racism, sexism, or more general support or non-support

Please Note: Shared entries will be published on this website and extracts of the entries may be disclosed in misogynoir online publications posted online for use by the scientific community.